Sunday, August 18, 2013

You Dont Always Get What You Want !!!

In my blog of September 15th,2011, I had said "Be careful what you wished for " about the Middle- East.(

The West had always wanted change in that region. Now that change has come, perhaps this is not what they had anticipated. Unfortunately the real world rarely  works according to the plans laid out by America's political strategists.While some of the countries have been able to remove their dictators, they have been left  with anarchy and chaos.

Iraq has an elected government, but continues to be riven by sectarian violence, between  different religious groups and other vested interests. Libya is in a state of confusion. In Syria you have  had civil war for over  a year. Dislodging Assad has not been as simple a task as expected. There is no unified opposition. Assad is supported by his tribe members, the Hizbollah and  Iran, not to mention political support from Russia ( with arms ) and China. At of now, Assad seems far from ready to throw in the towel. If he survives, he is going to remember who his friends and foes were and could  retaliate.

Egypt might have gotten rid of Hosni Mubarak, but the elected government headed by the Muslim Brotherhood tried to enforce their grip too soon, and scared off the more secular sections of the populace, providing an opportunity for the Army to step in once again "in order to provide stability ". Daily killings  of hundreds of people are being reported, but the Muslim Brotherhood supporters are not backing off . How long this stalemate is going to last is unknown. In the meantime the West is wringing its hands, not knowing what to do. They wanted democracy. The country had free elections, however the party which came into power was not to their liking. Now they are back to square one again with the army in control. Do you get a feeling of  déjà vu ?

While most of the royal states have wisely kept their heads down, there are a few wealthy ones taking sides. They seem to  be treading on dangerous grounds. In the medium and long term, depending on how the cards stack up,there  could be  a back lash and you could have a situation when the Islamist's turn on them. The US has in the last few years become  less dependent on oil imports ( see my blog of September 2011 ), and will have to decide which allies it is going to support with boots on the ground. The rest will have to fend for themselves. Do not be surprised if you see  more democratic countries emerging over the next couple of decades, after an initial period of turmoil. There is also the likelihood of further  sectarian violence as  the dominant sects  in some of these countries  play a repressive role  supported by their counterparts in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Iran and Iraq.

Over the next decade or so you will have countries in the  Middle East in a state of turmoil. Will it impact the oil prices ? Much  less than it would have a few years ago. Keep watching this space. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

America vs. India

I was just viewing the latest issue of the Economist ( August 10th)on my I phone, and looked at the section on The United States. Of the seven headers, except for one, I was amazed about how both countries were dealing with similar issues.

The first  "No  speaks", had a sub-heading of " Barrack Obama's patience runs short " and continued to talk about whether America can do business with Vladimir Putin ? Sounds like India's relationship with Pakistan , particularly with the recent killing by the Pakistan soldiers.Every time the Pakistan politicians make noises about wanting to mend fences, the Army puts a spanner in the works to make sure it does not happen.

The second "Just a little local difficulty " talks about the sexual misbehavior and the questionable business transactions by the Mayor of San Diego. You could pick many our local Municipal Corporation Heads or even the Chief Ministers and you probably would be able to levy the same charges.

"Gifts galore", the third one talks about the Governor of Virginia accepting gifts from some questionable corporate head and that it was small beer compared to the corruption of  the governors of Illinois and Louisiana, who were serving jail time. The only difference in India is that none of the Chief Ministers would  be charged, leave alone serve time.

"No play , no pay", talks about the financial mess  the state of  Illinois is, with large unfunded pension liabilities among other things. In India present liabilities ( budget deficits ) does not prevent the Chief Ministers from handing out free electricity to farmers , free lap tops to students,subsidies for gas used for home cooking which is used primarily in the urban areas.

"We will get them next year" is about the rampant drug use in baseball. While there have been no incidents of drug use among Indian cricketers, the match fixing and misuse of the sporting bodies, continues to be a problem.

"Keeping the mighty honest" writes about how the concern that " the new wave of press barons should not allow newspapers to become niche products". India is one of the few countries where newspaper circulation continues to increase. However a few years ago, taped telephone conversations revealed the close nexus between prominent journalists and the politicians, and how mutual back scratching helped each other out.

 Is it any wonder that Indian do well in the United States ?